Author Archives: Gordon

About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.

“Songs I Wrote in the ’80s” music video

This one takes my previous video, “Antidote,” to the next level: a logical progression from studio to stage. Enjoy! Special thanks to Pat Redd and School of Rock Overland Park.

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“Antidote” music video

With my Finding the Light album release this week, I figured I should preview a full track. And in the same spirit as the recording process, why not keep the video DIY, too?

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Album cover revealed!

Here it is! She’s a beaut, eh? The artwork comes from the illustrious brush of Boden Steiner. He said the concept originated in my song “Costumes,” which is a nostalgic tune that’s partly about kids auditioning different personalities (“trying on … Continue reading

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Finding the Light – album preview

Now that Finding the Light has been mixed and mastered, here’s a six-minute sampler with a little from each track. Intrigued? I’m anxious for you to take the entire 50-minute journey, because so far only two people have heard it: the … Continue reading

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Album Progress

My lack of recent updates is because historically most of them have been literary, and I’m on hiatus from that world for a bit. (I will, however, be hanging in Minneapolis during AWP, eager to let you buy me drinks.) … Continue reading

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Important Question? podcast

What would convince you to eat another human being? This is our first topic on a new must-listen podcast: Important Question? where we explore and debate such taboos with the profundity and absurdity and hilarity they warrant. Ensuing episodes will … Continue reading

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Solarcidal Tendencies

This anthology contains my short story “‘Burgatory” originally published at Solarcide a few years ago, but which has been offline for a while. It’s about a life-insurance salesman facing his mortality as planes of the multiverse collide. From the publisher: … Continue reading

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On Rating Books

You may have noticed that I read a lot of four- and five-star books. That’s not me being generous with my ratings, it’s because most were prequalified recommendations from those whose tastes I trust. Neo-noir, crime fiction, southern gothic, literary … Continue reading

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Major Inversions audiobook

Remember my debut novel from back in 2009? Ever wanted to cut out the eyeball middlemen and have the author’s voice streaming between your ears handsfree?

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