Author Archives: Gordon

About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.

Album Progress

My lack of recent updates is because historically most of them have been literary, and I’m on hiatus from that world for a bit. (I will, however, be hanging in Minneapolis during AWP, eager to let you buy me drinks.) … Continue reading

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Important Question? podcast

What would convince you to eat another human being? This is our first topic on a new must-listen podcast: Important Question? where we explore and debate such taboos with the profundity and absurdity and hilarity they warrant. Ensuing episodes will … Continue reading

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Solarcidal Tendencies

This anthology contains my short story “‘Burgatory” originally published at Solarcide a few years ago, but which has been offline for a while. It’s about a life-insurance salesman facing his mortality as planes of the multiverse collide. From the publisher: … Continue reading

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On Rating Books

You may have noticed that I read a lot of four- and five-star books. That’s not me being generous with my ratings, it’s because most were prequalified recommendations from those whose tastes I trust. Neo-noir, crime fiction, southern gothic, literary … Continue reading

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Major Inversions audiobook

Remember my debut novel from back in 2009? Ever wanted to cut out the eyeball middlemen and have the author’s voice streaming between your ears handsfree? Of all my fiction, Major Inversions made the most sense for an audiobook treatment … Continue reading

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Book Layout Tips

The rise of self-publishing means more authors are taking on unfamiliar roles, with mixed results. To put it kindly. I’ll leave the marketing/promotion advice to others, but one aspect I can speak to with some authority is design. I’ve designed … Continue reading

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Favorite Reads of 2013

I managed to consume 32 books this year. Most came from small presses, and were quite good. Plenty has already been said about the big titles, so I focus on reviewing the underserved authors worthy of your attention. Because I’m … Continue reading

Posted in entertainment, other voices, writing | 4 Comments

LitReactor Community Spotlight

I’m the focus of this month’s Community Spotlight over at the excellent LitReactor, profiled by Jessica Taylor. The main topic is Submission Windows, my shorts collection, but the interview also delves into the art of sequencing compilations, poetry, and the … Continue reading

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Interview by TW Brown

Author of the Dead series and Zomblog series, TW Brown also contributed a story to The Booked. Anthology, having been a fellow former guest of the podcast. I answered some writerly questions on his blog, wherein I managed to insult … Continue reading

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Submission Windows released!

Prison bars. Stained church glass. Deadlines precursing rejection. These are Submission Windows: vantage points for peeking in on—or out from—surgeons, killers, priests, perverts, inmates, athletes, musicians, and more than a few celebrities past their prime. Most clinging to frayed ropes … Continue reading

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