UPDATED: Books and Booze Live

UPDATE: Here’s a video of my reading, with two stories. Yes, I was fairly inebriated by this point.

That’s right, having just celebrated their first anniversary as a podcast, the Books and Booze crew is throwing down with a shindig on June 22. Readings, dinner, drinks, debauchery, and inevitable hijinks. Cicero’s is a great location, right in the University City Loop area of St. Louis, MO, near Washington University. Joining me in providing literary entertainment will be authors:

David James Keaton (Fish Bites Cop)ciceros_flyer
Brandon Tietz (Out of Touch)
Fred Venturini (The Samaritan)
J David Osborne (Low Down Death Right Easy)
Salvatore Pane (Last Call in the City of Bridges)

Please use the Facebook event page to RSVP, so they can get an accurate head count, because we’ve got our own area in the bar. The event itself is free, but not whatever comestibles you shove or pour down your gullet. It makes me proud to see people are driving and flying in from all over the country, as it’s not just about the authors, but a gathering of the literati and attendant book nerds. Sexy, sexy nerds.

I’ll be around the Loop from Friday night until Sunday sometime, if you’re looking to hang or say hey. See ya there! Oh, and here’s my interview episode from last summer.

[wpaudio url=”https://gordonhighland.com/wp-content/uploads/mp3/BooksAndBoozeEp6.mp3″ text=”Books and Booze – Ep6: Gordon Highland” dl=”0″]
Talking Flashover, e-publishing, and musical experiences

Books and Booze LIVE in St. Louis!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
6:30 pm

6691 Delmar Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63130

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About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.
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