OW III interview

The former Outsider Writers Collective recently torched their old site and, rising from its ashes, re-dubbed themselves OW III. [EDIT: Since posting this, they’ve taken the name Carbon-Based Lifeform Blues.] Long ago, they were kind enough to take a chance on this tyro scribe, reviewing my then-unsung debut novel, Major Inversions. Recently, whilst surveying my vast fictional empire and basking in its accumulated golden chattel of the intervening years, guilt overcame me, reminding me of the importance in giving back. Thus, I granted them an audience in the form of a (semi-exclusive, many holes barred, legally-vetted) interview: an “after photo” of sorts.

Pela Via, renowned editor, leader of men, and all-around swell gal, handles the interrogation. Through my confessions, you’ll learn about evangelical terrorism, assholic TSA screeners, and my description of a sexual encounter with Minka Kelly (total cochlea tease).

“Music to Def Ears”: An Interview with Flashover Author Gordon Highland

Other recent interviews:  Curiouser and Curiouser and Books and Booze

Special thanks to OW III’s “expert amateur” Caleb J Ross.

About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.
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