LitReactor Book Club: Flashover

The readers and writers at the excellent LitReactor have chosen my novel Flashover for discussion in their community forum next month. I’ll be lurking in the shadows and answering some questions as they go, then participating more actively later in the month once all the spoilery stuff is out of the way. The details, lifted from their news column:

Every month here at LitReactor, we celebrate reading with a new selection in our Book Club!  For July we will be reading and discussing Flashover by Gordon Highland.  Here’s a synopsis:

Electrocution and a two-story fall from a church rooftop leave former musician Tobe Mohr deaf, burned, and broken. A guilt-wracked priest invites him to live in the vacant rectory during his recovery, where many townsfolk believe Tobe — despite his own skepticism — has developed clairvoyance in his return from death. Adapting to rural life after having toured the world’s stages, Tobe forms an intense relationship with the enchanting Sera and her daughter. But their disappearance forces him to embrace his rewired senses that have helped so many others, as he navigates Sera’s mysterious past to find them, and to become once again the man he thought died long ago.

Discussion for Flashover will kick off on July 1st, but you should pick up the book and start reading ASAP! Once you’re locked and loaded, you can announce your presence in the Book Club. (No invitation needed!) That thread is where all discussion about the book will go down.

If you read our June Book Club selection, The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett, make sure you check out that thread as discussion there has officially started.

Happy reading!

Buy Flashover here if you haven’t already.

Thanks to Pete Goutis and Joshua Chaplinsky.

About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.
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