Sexual Reeling

Not long after The Matrix lit up the big screen, I caught a late-night B-movie on Skinemax called The Sexual Matrix. Twenty minutes and five refractory periods later it dawned upon me that one could bring a whole new level of meaning to traditional favorites simply by adding Sexual to the title. Like so:

The Sexual Color Purple
Sexual Pleasantville
The Last Sexual Boy Scout
My Own Private Sexual Idaho
A Bug’s Sex Life
Sexual Predator
The Sexual Shining
Sexual Platoon
Three Sexual Kings
Sexual Toy Story
ET: The Extra-Sexual Terrestrial
The Fabulous, Sexual Baker Boys
The Sixth Sexual Sense
The Fast and Sexually Furious
Requiem for a Sexual Dream
Close Encounters of the Sexual Kind
The Long, Sexual Kiss Goodnight
Sexual Wonder Boys
El Mariachi Sexual
First Sexual Blood

About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.
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1 Response to Sexual Reeling

  1. butchieinstead says:

    The Sexual Fountain
    There Will Be Sexual Blood
    The Black, Sexual Dahlia
    A Mighty Sexual Heart
    The Last Sexual Mimzy

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