A dial tone, she hangs up the phone
the hour is growing late
Every day without fail she prays for the mail
but all she can do is wait
Sighing within, he puts down his pen
Words crumpled upon the floor
If he could get it together, he’d finish the letter
he began years ago
Bonds that we make are so easy to break
gotta hold on to the ones that last
Remember me? I’m the one who shared your youth
Have you still got the keys to your ’65?
Don’t be a stranger, come around once in awhile
Say hello, say goodbye, say that you’re still alive
Days turn to years, smiles form from tears
The sands of time refuse to quit
Plans are made and memories fade
but the feelings we shall never forget
Just a word or two, far between or few
friendships don’t ask for much
We’re liable to lose what we don’t use
We keep our faith when we keep in touch
Bonds that we make are so easy to break
gotta hold on to the ones that last
Remember me? I’m the one who shared your youth
Have you still got the keys to your ’65?
Don’t be a stranger, come around once in awhile
Say hello, say goodbye, say that you’re still alive