“Speed Ramp” story at Word Riot

The February 2013 issue of Word Riot features my flash-fiction* story “Speed Ramp,” about a homeless Indian boy with a flanging disorder, wherein his perception of time speeds and slows. It was partly inspired by the music video for “Guttersnipe” by Bhi Bhiman (below), which you may as well peep first—don’t worry, no spoilers there. Also, because it’s how they roll at Word Riot, you can listen to me read the story to you as well, for a multi-sensory experience.

Coincidentally, the last piece I had published online also contained Indian themes and was flash-length. Hmm …

In other news, The Booked. Anthology has announced their complete lineup (including me). Some heavy hitters in there, for sure. More on that nearer its publication date. And as always, you can find all my published short stories (and some exclusives) linked here.

* Flash fictions are also known as short-shorts, are under 1000 words, and often eschew traditional story structure, being more of a scene or vignette as opposed a complete story arc. They’re great for reading on the john.

About Gordon

Gordon Highland is a video producer/director in the Kansas City area who also makes music and writes fiction.
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